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What Is Not A Benefit Of Google Analytcs Remarketing - Rank On SEO

What Is Not A Benefit Of Google Analytics Remarketing?

In the digital age, businesses are going digital. The continual increase in the number of digital tools and their growing sophistication has helped many businesses to boom online. They are keen to experiment with digital tools; and even keener to understand better the benefits of using tools like google analytics.

However, a great majority of them are in the dark about ‘what is not a benefit of google analytics remarketing’.

Before trying to understand it, it would make sense to understand what google analytics is & what google analytics remarketing is.

Google analytics

A tool created by google, google analytics allows you to know, use, and track your website’s overall performance. The data it gathers will be useful for targeting your online audience.

• can be accessed via your google account.
• offers both paid and free versions.

Google analytics remarketing

Google analytics remarketing refers to the usage of google analytics data for retargeting the users who are already engaged with a website.

There will be some people who would have already engaged with your website or site’s product pages that are already integrated with google analytics. As a result, data about the users’ behavior is gathered. This offers your business the possibility of converting such users to customers’ by retargeting them with google analytics data.

To leverage google analytics retargeting, it is vital to connect a google analytics account with a google ads account. This can be done with the given steps.

• open a google ads account. For this, select the ‘tools & setting’ option.
• select ‘linked accounts’. Once done, you can see different google products or some third party products.
• select ‘details’ in google analytics (ua) option. You will see a pop-up. With a few easy clicks, you will be able to connect google ads account with google analytics account.

Aside from the above, link-up of google ads and google analytics can be cross-checked and verified. This can be done at google analytics as follows –

• open google analytics.
• click ‘admin’ option (mentioned at bottom left corner). Once done, you will see the google ads linking option.

Note: remarketing is best done when a large number of audience land on your website. And you have enabled the cookies as well.

What is not a benefit?

The following are not considered as benefits of google analytics remarketing.

• allowing customers’ to quickly reorder an item that they have earlier purchased.
• showing customized ads to customers’ who have visited your website earlier.
• creating remarketing lists without initiating changes to your current analytics snippet.
• creating remarketing lists that’s based on custom segments and targets.

Why google analytics remarketing?

Google analytics remarketing help to

• increase conversion rates over time. This has happened in reality in the case of many remarketing campaigns.
• maintain increase in conversion even if the click-through rate might decrease.
• convert customers’ who have seen your ads few times earlier, immediately. But then they were not able to make a purchase decision.
• convert customers’ who have already interacted with your products. But they did not buy them due to factors beyond their control.
• convert customers’ who have forgotten your brand once they visited other websites. But they suddenly see your kind of product which they want to buy. They then later quickly buy it on your website.

According to statista, worldwide shopping cart abandonment rate stands at around 88.05 percent. These are people who have not converted; and are those who are potential customers. They are most likely to get reconverted in the remarketing campaign.

For example, a customer, say abc has visited your website.


• purchases a product.
• adds some products to the shopping cart. But is unable to finish the final checkout process to complete the purchase for some reason.

If the same customer, abc, is again retargeted, then the conversion rate chances are high. Like abc, there will be many more potential customers’. In remarketing campaigns, they can be engaged with as they have shown interest in your products and services earlier.

Aside from the above,

• google offers advantage in the form of google display network (gdn). It is a powerful tool for running remarketing ads with one of the best reaches; reaches 90 percent of the internet users.
• google remarketing ads can be showcased again to users’ who have already engaged with your brand. This will have the effect of making them recall your brand. If that’s achieved, it will help build trust which in turn will convert the user to customer.

To run google remarketing ads successfully, it’s important to create custom audiences.

How to create custom audiences?

Remarketing audience refers to a list of cookies or mobile-advertising ids. They represent a group of users’ your business wants to re-engage with due to their likely chances to convert.

Generally, remarketing audiences are created based on user-behavior on your website or app. These audiences are later used as the basis of remarketing campaigns.

• click the bottom left corner of your google analytics account’s home page. You will see three columns.
• click the 2nd column. Then click ‘audiences definition’.
• you will see ‘new audience’ option. Use it to create new audiences like all users who have visited your website during a specific time-span.
• show customized ads to customers’ who have earlier visited your website.
• create remarketing lists, based on custom segments and targets. This should be done without in any way making changes to your existing analytics snippet.

Once the above steps are executed properly, then next allow customers to swiftly reorder an item that they have earlier bought.


If your business wants to remarket itself to the audience who has shown interest in your products/services earlier, then google analytics remarketing is the way to go.

It helps to trigger repurchase of your products/services; increase conversion and improve brand building.

However, make sure to connect google analytics with google ads. This will help you get data about customer behavior which will help you to analyze them and take requisite remedial measures for improvement.

If all is done correctly, google analytics will be a very useful tool for your business.